After the Open of Leuven, Stefan Docx told me that he liked the positions which I obtained in the Dutch. However only my first move didn't appeal to him. It is therefore no coincidence that on chesspub the opening is categorized under the daring defences. Deliberately weakening f7 also called the Achilles of blacks position is obviously risky.
The achilles not only plays an important role in openings in which the f-pawn is pushed. Also in many other openings this weak spot is attacked. A few examples to illustrate this theme. I start with the feared Cochrane gambit.
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1.e4e52.Nf3Nf63.Nxe5d64.Nxf7(The Cochrane-gambit is a very rare bird in standard-chess and for sure at the top.)Kxf75.Nc3c56.Bc4+Be67.Bxe6+Kxe68.d4Kf79.dxc5Nc610.Qe210.0-0dxc511.Qe2Qe812.Re1Nd413.Qd3Qe614.e5Nd715.Ne4Be716.Bg5Nxe517.Qc3Qc418.Qg3Ng619.Bxe7Ne2+20.Rxe2Qxe221.f3Qe3+22.Kf1Nxe723.Re1Qd424.Nd6+Kg825.Rxe7Qd1+26.Re1Qxc227.Qe5Qd3+28.Re2Qd1+29.Re1Qd3+30.Re2Qd1+31.Re1(and draw in the correspondence-game Starke,Heiko - Hudak Dusan played in 2009)10...Qd711.Be3(Here better is 0-0 as now black gets some chances.)dxc512.f4Re813.e5Ng414.Rd1Qf515.0-0h516.Bc1Nd417.Qc4+Kg618.h3Nh619.Nb5a620.Nxd4cxd421.Qxd4Rc822.Qb6+Kh723.Qxb7Rxc224.Be3Qg625.Rc1Rxc126.Rxc1Nf527.Bf2h428.Rc7Ng329.Kh2Nf1+30.Kg1Qb131.Bxh4Bc5+½–½
I never studied this seriously but it looks playable for white. In the second example we see again the same players at work but this time in a trendy variation: the anti-Moscow gambit which I already used in one of my first articles, see my novelty in Wijk aan Zee.
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1.d4d52.c4c63.Nf3Nf64.Nc3e65.Bg5h66.Bh4dxc47.e4g58.Bg3b59.Be2Bb710.0-0Nbd711.Ne5Bg712.Nxf7(Kramnik was very surprised by this gambit although it was already known from correspondence-chess.)Kxf713.e5Nd514.Ne4Ke715.Nd6Qb616.Bg4Raf817.Qc2Qxd4 (Immediately after the game Rhg8 was recommended and later several times tested in practice. Of course it is very difficult to find every time the right answer at the board against the prepared moves of the opponent.)18.Qg6Qxg419.Qxg7+Kd820.Nxb7+Kc821.a4b422.Rac1c323.bxc3b324.c4Rfg825.Nd6+Kc726.Qf7Rf827.cxd5Rxf728.Rxc6+Kb829.Nxf7Re830.Nd6Rh831.Rc4Qe232.dxe6Nb633.Rb4Ka834.e7Nd535.Rxb3Nxe736.Rfb1Nd537.h3h538.Nf7Rc839.e6a640.Nxg5h441.Bd6Rg842.R3b2Qd343.e7Nf644.Be5Nd745.Ne61–0
The playground of this variation almost completely shifted from standard-chess to correspondence-chess probably because white scored terribly and the compensation isn't easy to find. From my own practice I can show a rare line which was in my repertoire till 2004. I only got it on the board in standard-chess once.
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1.e4e52.Nf3Nc63.Bb5a64.Ba4b55.Bb3Na56.Bxf7+Kxf77.Nxe5+Ke78.d4Nf6!?(It has been long ago that I encountered this variation as in my personal database there are no games with this system. Nevertheless I am sure I once got it on the board. )8...d6!?(During the game I spent a lot of time remembering what exactly is the most optimal continuation. New analyses show that both continuations are interesting.)9.Nd3Kf79.b4?N(In practice were already tried 0-0, Bg5 and Qf3 but I only consider Nd3 as the proper continuation for getting sufficient compensation. Strange it seems nobody yet has tested this. After b4 black gets a clear advantage.)9.Nd3!NQe810.0-0Kd811.e59...Nb7?(This does not look nice and it is also not surprising that white gets again good compensation after this move. Much better is d6 which frees c4 for the knight with a big advantage for black.)9...d6!10.Nd3Nc411.e5dxe512.dxe5Ne413.0-0Bb714.Qh514.Qf3Qd515.Re114...Qd415.Na310.Bg5!?(The pin is a logical reaction but a4 must also be considered with excellent compensation for the piece.)Qe8!?(Ke8 is the alternative but also in that case white has nice compensation for the piece.)11.Nc3c612.f4?(This is nonsense as now black gets time to get active play. Much better is a4 and blacks pieces do not work together which permits white to obtain very nice compensation for the sacrificed piece.)12.a4!?d613.Nd3bxa414.e5Kf715.0-0dxe516.Nxe5+16.dxe5Nd517.Qh5+g616...Kg817.Qf3Nd6=12...Kd813.Nd3h6!?(A5 is also possible with some advantage for black.)14.Bxf6+gxf615.a4Qe616.d5?!(A pawn-sacrifice which is pretty superficial. 0-0 is of course better although this leaves black the advantage.)cxd517.e5Qc618.Ne2bxa419.0-0a520.c3!?With the pawn-sacrifice b5 white could keep the a-file closed but that is not sufficient to save the game.)axb421.cxb4d6?(A big positional blunder as this weakens heavily the squares e6 and c6. Much better and simpler was Be7 followed up with Rg8 and white has not sufficient compensation for the piece so should lose eventually.)21...Be722.Kh1Rg823.f5Qc424.Rf4Qc725.exf6Bxf626.Rxa4Rxa427.Qxa4-+22.e6!?(Ef6: seems also possible again with good compensation for the piece.)Bxe623.f5Bd7?(A difficult choice in time-trouble. Which squares should I defend first. Afterwards it became clear that I should defend first d5 so Bf7 is better with an unclear position.)24.Kh1?(A useful move but not the most accurate one as in some variations white can do without it. Nd4 gives white already good winning chances as the engines find it difficult to organize the defense.)Rg8?(The weird Fritz move h5, connected with the queen-sacrifice on c4 seems to be the only way to continue. After the logical text-move it is probably already lost.)24...h5!25.Nd4Qc4!26.Nf4Bh6!27.Rc1Bxf4!28.Rxc4dxc429.Rxf4a330.Nc225.Nd4Qc426.Nf4Be7!?(Rc8 and Nc5 are recommended by Fritz and Shredder but none can save blacks position. After Be7 black gets annihilated.)27.Rc1a328.Rxc4dxc429.Nde6+Bxe630.Nxe6+Kd731.Qd5Ra732.Qb5+Kc833.Qxc4+Kd734.Qb5+Kc835.Nd4Bd836.Qc4+1–0
Not a well played game but again a nice example of how hard it is to defend against such sacrifices without preparation. For online blitz or bullet these gambits are very lethal.
Not only in the opening is f7 (or f2 for white) a weak spot. Also further in the game we notice that the achilles remains a headache which many players got into troubles. I found on the internet a nice collection of combinations in which the achilles plays a key role. It is difficult making a choice out of it but I like the combination of our reigning worldchampion Magnus Carlsen in his game of 2011 against the Chinese topgrandmaster Wang Hao.
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24.Bxf7+(Not the only winning move but the fastest one.)Kxf725.Qf3+Kg826.Rxh8+Kxh827.Rh1+Kg828.Qh5Rf829.Bf61–0
Recently I got a golden opportunity to play a beautiful combination using the Achilles.
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24.Bxf7+!(Missed as I played Qe2 in the game. I remember that I looked a few seconds at the brilliant Bxf7 but I did not realize this could actually work. Qe2 is sufficient for a small advantage which is probably the reason why I did not look for anything better.)Kxf7(The engines play Kh8 but naturally no human would choose such move.)25.Qb3+(Not first with the knight as otherwise white would have no answer after Kg6.)Kg626.Nh4+Kh627.Ng3Bxc527...g628.Qf7(Another quiet move which closes in the king.)Ng829.Be3+Bg530.Nhf5+gxf531.Bxg5+Kxg532.Qg7+Kh433.exf5Bxf534.Nxf5+Kh535.g4#27...Nd428.Bxd4exd429.Ngf5+Bxf530.Nxf5+Kg631.Qg3+Kf732.Qxg7+Ke633.e5+-28.Ngf5+Bxf529.Nxf5+Kh530.Qf3+Kg631.Qg3+Kh532.Nxg7+Kh633.Nf5+Kh534.Qh4+Kg635.Qh6+Kf736.Qg7+Ke637.Qxb7+-
I looked a few seconds at Bxf7 but never thought it could work against a tactician like Stefan (obtaining only a few days earlier an IM-norm in Le Touquet. It often strikes me that tacticians are very good in the attack but in the defense they regularly make mistakes. A missed opportunity or something we can consider as an oddity? In any case Steven Geirnaert believes that we shouldn't too easily minimize mistakes. We should look for ways how to avoid them and improve our play. Of course he has a valid point. On the other hand I am surely not the only one missing such tactics.
1.e4e52.Nf3Nc63.Bb5a64.Ba4Nf65.0-0Be76.Re1b57.Bb3d68.c30-09.h3Nb810.d4Nbd711.Nbd2Bb7(In reality Re8 was played but the organization preferred to hide the double-blunder and correct the move-order.)11...Re812.Bxf7+(Judit played on automatic pilot Nf1 and missed hereby an immediate and obvious win.)Kxf713.Ng5+Kg814.Ne614.Qb3+?(Playing too clever with Qb3 would jeopardize the win.)d515.Ne6Nc512.Bc2Re813.Nf1Bf814.Ng3g615.b3Bg716.d5Nb617.Be3Rc818.Qe2c619.c4cxd520.cxd5Nbxd521.exd5Nxd522.b4Nxb423.Bb3Bd524.Red1Bc425.Qd2Nd326.Bh6d527.Bc2Nc528.Re1Bh829.Rad1Qb630.Qg5e431.Qe3Bxa232.Bb1Bxb133.Rxb1Na434.Qxb6Nxb635.Be3Na436.Nd4Nc337.Rbc1Rc438.Nge2Nxe2+39.Nxe2Rd840.g4d441.Rcd1d342.Ng3Bc343.Bd2Bxd244.Rxd2Rdd445.f3exf346.Kf2b447.Kxf3Rd848.Re7Rb849.Rd7b350.R7xd3a551.Rb2a452.Ne2Kg753.Ke3Ra854.Nc3Rb455.Nxa4Raxa456.Rbxb3Rf457.Ke2Kh658.Rf3Kg559.Kf2Rxf3+60.Kxf3Kh461.Kg2Ra2+62.Kg1h563.gxh5Kxh564.Rf3f565.Rf4Re266.Kh1Re467.Rf2Kh468.Kg2Rb469.Kh2Re470.Kg2f471.Kf3Re572.Rg2g573.Rg4+Kxh374.Rg3+Kh40–1
If players from this caliber miss something much simpler then I can quicker accept my mistake. Of course one doesn't get many chances in his career to play such extraordinary combinations so it always will feel as a missed opportunity.
Addendum 26 Augustus 2015 Despite playing 20 years of competition, only last couple of years I started to review and study the old grandmasters. Again and again I realize that I should have done this much earlier. I discovered a few days ago via the book "The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal" the game Mikhail Tal - Wolfgang Unzicker played in 1961: which includes some of the same motives Nh4/Ng5 as my missed combination against Beukema. We can only guess what if I had discovered Tals game just before my game against Beukema.
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